Employee, All Three Subsidiary Railroads Honored
New Orleans, Louisiana —TNW Corporation, a privately held operator of short line railroads and logistics centers in Texas, was honored with four safety awards at the American Short Line and Regional Railroad Association’s (ASLRRA) 2023 Annual Conference & Exhibition last week.
On Monday, April 3 in New Orleans, ASLRRA’s Conference included a presentation ceremony to recognized leaders in various capacities in the industry. Raul Guerrero, a Track Inspector with TNW subsidiary TXNW Railway, was awarded Safety Person of the Year for his diligence and passion for safe practices and teamwork in keeping safety top of mind.
Assistant Superintendent of Railway Operations at TXGN Railway, Chris Martin, notes that Guerrero is “the most vocal employee about safety”, and that he has been instrumental in keeping the railway free of track-caused derailments for over two years. Guerrero also serves on TNW’s Employee Safety Committee.
In addition to Guerrero’s award, each of TNW’s subsidiary railroads – TXNW, TXR and TXGN – received ASLRRA’s Jake Safety Award with Distinction. These are given to railroads with no Federal Railroad Administration-reportable injuries for the previous year.
Safety is one of TNW’s four Core Values; the other three are integrity, servant leadership, and quality. TNW Corporation CEO Paul Treangen says, “I am thankful for all of our employees who are so diligent about putting TNW’s Core Value of safety into everyday practice. They have earned these awards and I am proud of them all.”
Texas North Western Railway (TXNW) has been in operation since 1982 in Sunray, Texas.
Texas Rock Crusher Railway (TXR) has been in operation since 1988 in Brownwood, Texas.
Texas Gonzales and Northern Railway (TXGN) has been in operation since 1992 in Gonzales, Texas.
For more information on ASLRRA’s Safety Awards visit https://www.aslrra.org/safety-compliance/safety-awards/.
TNW Corporation is a transportation logistics company that operates three short line railroads with four transload facilities in Texas, and owns the largest private railcar storage facility in the United States.